About Jane Hertenstein

Jane Hertenstein is the author of over 70 published stories, a combination of fiction, creative non-fiction, and blurred genre both micro and macro. In addition, she has published a YA novel, Beyond Paradise, and a non-fiction project, Orphan Girl: The Memoir of a Chicago Bag Lady.

No Humans Around


A couple years ago EC Gallery featured a photography show called No Humans Around by Mike Rivera. Mike had to get up super early or stay up late, late to capture usually crowded Chicago landmarks in their essence, in a state of tranquility or calm—we asked him how it is now to look back on [...]

No Humans Around2020-05-02T02:34:04+00:00

Americana, photos by Mike Rivera


This is our third show with photographer Mike Rivera. Mike’s new show is all about giving back—all proceeds will go to Cornerstone Community Outreach, a local homeless shelter. All photographs are framed and wall-ready! Though many of the photos depict Uptown, the show also includes a few taken from assignments from all over the world. [...]

Americana, photos by Mike Rivera2020-03-09T14:55:04+00:00

Unfiltered Infinite


So much gets overlooked in the bigger picture. For those who take their time, slow down to observe, a hidden world is revealed. In a single drop of water are rainbow colors. The pistil-center of a flower, like eyes wide open, stares back at the viewer. Edwige Massart points her camera at the ordinary, the [...]

Unfiltered Infinite2019-11-19T17:19:49+00:00

Contemporary Persian Art


The prints, marker on paper, skirts most motifs of Islamic art to include a preponderance of music, animals, extraterrestrials swimming in a background of sky all overseen by an omniscient eye—or in some cases, eyes. Each piece has a story to tell. Everybody’s Coffee is proud to present an exhibition of prints by Iranian artist [...]

Contemporary Persian Art2024-02-05T23:05:54+00:00
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