The verdant high slopes of Ethiopia are populated by beautiful coffee trees. Some are carefully groomed and others are quite wild. In fact, there are so many variations of the coffee tree present in Ethiopia that many defy classification and are simply labeled “heirloom.” This wonderful diversity produces a wide spectrum of delicate, sweet, and juicy flavors that are sought out all over the world. This is no surprise, given that coffee was originally discovered and consumed in Ethiopia more than a thousand years ago.

That rich story and the corresponding deliciousness gets us especially excited whenever we are able to serve an exceptional Ethiopian coffee as our coffee of the month. Thanks to Metropolis Coffee, we get to do that right now! Their Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee is purchased exclusively from Mr. Ayele Dula, who has gained quite a reputation as a careful and consistent coffee producer over the last 30 years. It shines with hints a subtle honeydew brightness and its sweetness is reminiscent of a juicy peach. True to its origin, it makes a wonderfully unique and drinkable cup!

So, as they say in Ethiopia when people gather together for almost any reason—Buna T’et’a! (Let’s drink coffee!)